A health examination is a standard physical test executed on a pet that appears healthy rather than an ill checkup. A wellness examination is similar to a routine physical checkup in extent. A health appointment is tailored to ensure that your pet’s health improves over time. Whether it’s your pet’s first-ever vet visit or a regular annual checkup, show up on time with an understanding of the examinations your vet must do based on your pet’s age and general wellness.

Puppy Evaluations

Here are some tests that must be conducted on your new puppy at his initial veterinarian appointment and at subsequent checkups to guarantee a healthy start:

Physical Examination

It is essential to set a healthy standard for your dog; this appointment can help you do that. Your puppy will be examined meticulously from head to toe; the vet will check their temperature, pulse, respiration rate, blood pressure, etc.

Fecal Test

You may be required to produce a fecal sample as part of your puppy’s medicine schedule. Puppies usually acquire abdominal parasites from their mothers, and these parasites can be transmitted to their offspring through breast milk. In addition, a microscopic assessment of the stool is necessitated because not all abdominal parasites can be seen with bare eyes.

Heartworm Test

Damage to your dog’s heart and lungs can arise from heartworm growing through an insect’s bite and getting into the bloodstream. Generally, tick-borne infections, including Lyme condition, Anaplasma, and Ehrlichia, will be examined with heartworm at veterinary facilities. On this link, you can see what you can do in case of any emergency that may happen to your pets.

Blood Tests

Prior to spaying or neutering your puppy, your vet will perform a pre-anesthetic examination. There are many possible tests, yet the basic ones will search for things like anemia, a healthy number of leukocytes, and any kidney or liver irregularities.

Adult Dogs Evaluations

Health checkups for adult pets are suggested once a year. The following tests will be done along with the physical checkup at these visits:


While a urinalysis might not have been carried out on your pet when he was a puppy, it can be beneficial in detecting a urinary system infection, a lack of focusing capacity, chronic kidney illnesses, or maybe the existence of stones in the urine.

Tick-Borne and Heartworm Disease Examinations

In places where ticks are widespread, it is suggested that heartworm and tick-borne illness assessments be performed all at once, like puppy tests. Infection with heartworms is a dangerous clinical problem that is simple to prevent, hard to cure, and almost impossible to alleviate if it is misdiagnosed at any time. If an ultrasound can spot mature heartworms, surgical removal may be a method of treatment. Find a reliable doctor, like a surgeon in West Salem, to help you.

Blood Tests

Examining your dog’s electrolyte and protein levels, along with their red and white blood cell counts (CBC), is all part of the standard wellness blood examination for adult pets. Diabetes mellitus, initial kidney disease, hypothyroidism, and anemia are just a few of the many illnesses that can be found using this vet exam.

Fecal Test

When taking your dog to the vet, you may be asked to bring in a feces sample. Considering that some intestinal parasites can also damage human beings, recognizing and treating them in your dog is important for your pet’s health and your family’s health.

By Kenneth