Numerous different parasite species can affect dogs and cats. To check for evidence of intestinal parasites during your pet’s yearly wellness visit, vets will collect stool samples from them. Wellness checkups are crucial to preserving your pet’s health since intestinal parasites are not unusual, especially in young animals.
Diarrhea, weight loss, a dull coat, coughing, and weariness are typical signs of these parasites. You can detect worms in your pet’s feces, bedding, or beneath their tail if they have certain parasites. Intestinal parasites can cause significant health problems in puppies and kittens; in some situations, they can even be deadly.
Pet owners must be alert for worm symptoms since the infestation is typically well underway when your pet exhibits symptoms. Pet worms are typically manageable as long as they are identified, stopped, and treated before the start of advanced stages of infection.
Intestinal Parasites in Pets
It is crucial to realize that, if left untreated, dog worms can result in serious medical problems and health disorders. You and your veterinarian should consider a pet worm prevention program. Some of the most frequent varieties of pet worms include the following intestinal parasites.
Roundworms, the most prevalent intestinal parasite, spread to dogs and cats by touching feces, where the roundworms’ larvae develop. Pets can get roundworm infections by eating contaminated dirt, licking their paws and fur after touching a contaminated surface, drinking polluted water, or coming into contact with cockroaches carrying roundworm eggs.
Young pups and kittens are more at risk from roundworms because the parasite drains nutrients from the body, which can cause malnutrition, respiratory problems, and intestinal obstruction. Only dogs can transmit their virus in the womb, although infected mother cats and dogs can transmit the infection to their offspring through nursing. Visit a veterinary website to see their pet vaccination service page.
Hookworms, the second most prevalent intestinal parasite, are most frequently detected in dogs but can also be found in cats. Hookworm larvae can enter a pet’s body through the skin or the lining of their mouth and cause infection if they come into touch with them. Infected milk from the mother can cause puppies to become ill, while cats do not experience this.
When fleas, lice, or rodents with tapeworm infections are eaten, dogs and cats can get tapeworms. The small intestine is home to tapeworms, which rob the food being digested of its nutrition. Animal malnutrition may result from this. Segments of a tapeworm may be seen in your pet’s feces or underbelly.
Compared to cats, dogs are more frequently affected by whipworms. Eating infected dirt or licking contaminated fur and paws to come into contact with whipworm larvae found in feces to get a whipworm illness.
Whipworms penetrate the big intestine’s lining and draw blood from the body. They usually do not result in significant health issues, but they are far less dangerous than hookworms. Consult your veterinarian for more detail.
Cats and dogs can contract coccidia, a single-celled organism, through contact with fecal matter harboring the parasite. When a pet eats contaminated dirt, drinks polluted water, or licks paws and fur that have come into touch with contaminated excrement; they might catch an infection. Because coccidia is very infectious in puppies and kittens, it’s crucial to regularly clean up pet waste and change the water surrounding young animals to avoid infection. It is recommended to get veterinary regular exams.