The natural curiosity of dogs and cats often leads them to explore every yard area, sniff everything in their way, lick interesting things, and play with other neighborhood pets. Natural instincts cause individuals to unintentionally expose themselves to parasites and other diseases. Many parasites, both internal and external, can infect dogs and cats, and some of these can be transmitted to humans. Your family’s health is just as crucial as your pet’s health when it comes to year-round, monthly parasite prevention.

Prevention of Pet Parasites

Parasites aren’t simply bothersome; they’re also harmful. Many have pathogens that could put our dogs at risk for severe sickness. To keep your pet free of parasites, here are seven easy-to-follow steps.

1. Consult your veterinarian

Find out what parasites are common in your area by asking your veterinarian. If you reside in a place where parasites are more common than you think they should be, you should take precautions all year round. They can advise you on the most effective prevention methods, as well as what to look out for and how to avoid parasites from infecting your pet.

2. Watch for signs of disease

Some parasite-infected pets show no symptoms at all. As a result, it’s crucial to conduct regular tests and preventative measures. However, it is helpful to be aware of the signs when they appear. The most common symptoms of parasites in pets include diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and blood in the stool. Coughing and difficulty breathing are two symptoms of heartworm infection. Consult your veterinarian right away if you notice any of these symptoms in your pet, see on this link

3. Give preventive medications

Many of these intestinal parasites may be prevented with easy-to-administer medications, which is great news. In fact, many veterinarians advise their patients to take these medications all year round. Be consistent, even while you’re away. If you miss a few doses, consult with your veterinarian.

4. Maintain a feces-free yard

Reduce your pet’s chances of parasite infection by practicing good cleanliness. Because most intestinal parasites are carried by direct touch with feces, you should always pick up after your dog. Due to the long life span of some parasites, a fecal-contaminated yard might serve as an exposure source for weeks or even months.

5. Do a regular fecal check

You need to bring a fresh sample of your pet’s stool to your veterinarian’s office for examination at least annually (or every six months, depending on your pet’s breed and health). This sample can be tested for parasites by your veterinarian. When it comes to intestinal parasites, puppies and kittens are particularly at risk.

The first vet visit should include a feces sample from your new pet. This will help your pet start a healthy life. If you got your pet from a breeder, the breeder should also provide proof of the puppy’s deworming treatment and the medication used. Make sure your veterinarian knows this vital piece of information. In case you need a veterinary surgeon or professional vet to perform this, you can find them here.

6. Don’t let them drink standing water

Infestations of the parasite Giardia, which can lead to debilitating diarrhea, thrive in areas where there is stagnant water. Provide a clean, fresh water bowl for your pet, so he doesn’t have to go looking for it elsewhere. Never let him drink from puddles or any other bodies of standing water. Learn more tips for ticks and fleas prevention here.

By Kenneth