A pet owner will take their pet to the veterinarian to have their pet’s health checked or to have a condition diagnosed or treated. The veterinarian may advise you on specific tests or procedures to ensure your pet’s health. Preventive testing is the term for it.

The use of preventive tests aids in establishing your pet’s baseline, which you can then compare to future trials to see if there are any changes. It can also help you identify issues before they become major problems or emergencies, allowing your pet to live a long, healthy, and problem-free life. 

Furthermore, when veterinarians perform this type of test at the point-of-care, the results are usually available before the patient leaves the vet’s office.

Some cats suffer from neurological conditions, and it can be difficult to locate a reputable cat neurologist. As a result, it is critical to conduct research and ensure that the person you choose will take good care of your furry companion.

What is point-of-care testing?

Point-of-care testing is a preventative or diagnostic test performed and analyzed while your pet is receiving treatment, such as at a veterinarian clinic. This type of test typically yields results faster than traditional laboratory tests, allowing you to receive an answer or diagnosis and determine the next steps (such as additional tests and hospitalization or a recommendation for extra care or treatment) during the same visit to your veterinarian.

According to research, keeping track of your pet’s health and performing regular preventative tests can help you detect underlying health issues and illnesses earlier. For example, in one study of 1197 preventive visits to cats, one-quarter of the cats had unusual results associated with serious health issues. 

As a result, many cats produced inconsistent results that necessitated further investigation. As a result, the only way to detect illnesses before they become severe is to perform preventive laboratory tests. In addition, many facilities provide surgical services, so if your pet requires one, you can click here to consult a professional.

Common Veterinary Point-of-Care Examinations

The types of tests your veterinarian may recommend for your pet are determined by your pet’s breed, age, and lifestyle. These are the most frequently requested diagnostic, preventive, testing or monitoring procedures that can be administered and evaluated at the vet using point-of-care tests:

Chemistry blood tests

These tests may provide information about your pet’s pancreas, kidneys, liver, thyroid, intestine, and other organs and systems.

The biochemistry test is a standard test that looks at a variety of factors, including:

  • blood glucose levels (to look for signs of diabetes, Addison’s disease, or liver problems)
  • Nitrogen Urea Blood (BUN)
  • Creatine (both of which are principally indicators of kidney health and renal function)
  • Protein levels in the blood (where the abnormalities may indicate liver dysfunction, inflammation, or even cancerous conditions)
  • In addition, certain liver enzymes (which in the event of abnormality could indicate various issues within the liver).

And other specific tests examine for viral diseases (FeLV and FIV, which are two fatal feline viruses). Check for heartworms and tick-borne illnesses as well. You can consult a professional for more information regarding diagnostics services.

Hematology examinations

The most commonly used blood test for hematology is the Complete Blood Cell Count (CBC), which is a test that examines red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. It assists the veterinary team in detecting diseases such as anemia and leukemia and bleeding problems, blood clotting, and potential infections.

Urine screenings

Urine tests can be used with chemical blood tests to look for proteins, blood glucose, glucose, or other abnormalities in urine. It also gives the vet team information about how your pet’s kidneys work and other concerns, such as bacteria in urine (which could indicate urinary tract infection).

The Benefits of Point-of-Care Testing

The advantage of POCT is the quick access to test results. Additionally, it demonstrates diagnostic accuracy, robust quality management, immediately acting on results, and changing operational processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Your pet’s tests are available to you the same day.
  • You will have peace of mind knowing that you will detect any untreated disease sooner.
  • When they detect the problem early on, you will be able to handle it more quickly and with less stress for your pet. In addition, it usually reduces the amount of money you will need to invest in controlling it and keeping it the same over time.

It enables your veterinarian team to detect potential diseases or other issues. Furthermore, your veterinarian can use proactive testing to track your pet’s overall health.

By Kenneth